




Ghosts in Metal    

The Ground    

Mining Truth    

Lessons in Anonymity    


Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth    

Alone in a World of Wounds    


Double Lives

The Field                                                      

Ecstasy of Weeds  / Ecstasy of Trees    

Woman Crowded with Spirits    


The Cosmology of Insects    

Kepler's Beast  / Amphibian Dreams     

The Metaphysics of Order     

Devotee of Storms    


Sea Anemone and Crab    

The Way of the Deer    







The Cave of Night    

Druid Tales    

Forest Magic    

Protected by the Forest   






I saw you under moonlight and you

Reflected me. I saw you under starlight

And you grew distant and mysterious:

Your skin was the color of evening

As if you breathed that color in

And pumped the blood of sky through

Your flesh-your nipples were darker

Than your breasts-your hair a deeper

Blue-your eyes held aurora lights.


I saw you again in the forest by day

Standing under the cedars

Swaying before me in green-

Your body was a tender shoot

Nourished by the blood of leaves.

Your limbs were lighter than

Your body, as if newly grown

And your face about to bloom.


I held out my arms to you

But you turned and ran

And changed as you did:

Clay and dirt made you red and brown

Rocks on the cliff turned you grey;

You looked back once as you fell

Through air-



Three Scenes from an Irish Forest



I saw her lying beneath an alder, in brown lace;

I went to her  and lay down and reached and touched

her face. Her brown hair hung over me and through its veil

I met her eyes and felt her fingernails on my side.


He appeared, as I was lying with a beam of sun,

his handsome skin, like my fur, shining with health

and need. He lay beside me and offered his life

which I took in my need and made a part of mine.


I watched a man walk directly through the forest

to where a bear lay in the ambient light by her den.

He lay directly down and touched her muzzle; saliva

rolled from her mouth, running down his cheek

and disappearing, as she tore him open with her claws.